Now it is time to turn to the upcoming Fall-Winter movies. This is the time usually when the "important" movies come out. The reason being that studios want Academy and other awards groups to have their movies fresh in voters minds.
However, some studios realized that this is a good time to release a big blockbuster because there is less competition, even though more people are home watching television.
Here is a list, with a few brief thoughts of my own, including on a scale of 1-5 stars my likelihood of seeing it in theaters (1 being “Not at all” 5 being “Cannot wait!”).
So here are some of the movies that are coming out along with my level of excitement. My ability to get out to the theater may be limited this time around. But I will try to get to the ones that really excite me.
September 6
IT: Chapter 2 (*****)

I loved the first movie and it is the highest grossing horror movie of all time. I don't expect the sequel to be as good, but I love the cast, especially getting a chance to see the Old Spice Guy (Isaiah Mustafah) stretch his dramatic skills. I will be there opening weekend.
September 13
The Goldfinch (*)

Everything about this movie looks terrible. Both trailers are pure pretention and have no appeal to me whatsoever.
Can You Keep a Secret? (*)

I'm a sucker for a good rom-com, but this does not look like a good rom-com. That is a shame because the casting looks nice with Alexdra Daddario and Tyler Hoechlin.
September 20
Ad Astra (**)

There is a spectrum of space films that range from 2001 to Armageddon. My tastes tend towards the latter, whereas this movie seems like it is going to be more of the former
Downton Abbey (*)

My wife and I stopped watching the show a long time before it ended, so I have no interest in a feature film.
September 27
Abominable (***)

This seems like a generic CGI family film, but the trailer had some moments of real heart and magic. But only moments. I can't tell if this movie will hold together as a good experience or not, but I am open-minded.
Judy (**)

Everything about this movie looks sad, and not in a cathartic way. If I saw this, I think I would leave the theater feeling terrible.
October 4
Joker (*****)

I am probably more excited for this movie than I should be. What little I have seen of Joaquim Phoenix's performance has me horribly intrigued.
The Woman in the Window (**)
I know nothing about this movie except the basic plot (which reminds me of Rear Window) and the cast which includes Amy Adams and Gary Oldman. That alone has me interested.
The Current War (*)

The idea of this movie, about the competition to control the beginnings of electrical technology, should be more interesting to me, but the trailers have been off-putting to me for some reason I cannot figure out.
October 11
Gemini Man (***)

The trailers have been decent and it feels like having the best of both worlds with current Will Smith vs. 90's Will Smith. Ang Lee is either hit or miss for me, so we'll see if he is able to pull of something very cool or very lame.
The Addams Family (**)

I like that they are leaning heavily into the shows original metaphor of an ethnic Catholic family moving into a middle-class Protestant neighborhood. It could be good.
October 17
Jay and Silent Bob Reboot (*)

When I was younger I loved Kevin Smith movies. Now, I have lost my taste for them (excepting Mallrats). I would be more interested in this if he went away from his drug/gross out humor, but the trailers make clear that this style is present in this movie.
October 18
Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (*)

Didn't see the first. Won't see the second.
Zombieland: Double Tap (*****)

This movie looks to be a great deal of fun. Sometimes you have to turn off your brain and just watch a bunch of on-screen carnage. (I especially enjoy Tallahassee's hatred of hippies)
Jojo Rabbit (*)

I think I get the satirical tone that this film is trying to achieve, but it just feels like it is in horrible taste and will not age well.
The Lighthouse (*)

Looks like a very claustrophobic, moody horror movie, but it is not my taste.
The Way Back (***)
The story about an alcoholic coach who is looking for redemption sounds intriguing to me, especially as it is being portrayed by Ben Affleck. Perhaps I am reading too much into this, but I cannot help but feel that he is working through some autobiographical issues in this movie.
October 25
Black and Blue (**)

Looks intriguing, but hasn't quite grabbed me.
Frankie (*)

Pure European pretention. No thank you.
October 31
3 From Hell (*)
I did not see the first movie and have no desire to see this one.
November 1
Terminator: Dark Fate (**)

This movie looks terrible in every way. And yet, I think I will end up seeing it, simply because it is a Terminator film.
Motherless Brooklyn . (**)
A good cast, but it feels like it's trying to be a modern Chinatown but with Ed Norton and Bruce Willis.
Harriet (****)

This movie looks excellent and I'm surprised it has taken this long to make a modern major motion picture about it.
November 8
Last Christmas (***)

This movie looks like it could have charm. I'm curious.
Midway (***)

It's a good topic, but I'm wondering if the director can pull it off. If this was Mel Gibson, I would be much more interested.
Playing with Fire (**)

Looks like a fine family film, but I don't think I'll see it.
Doctor Sleep (****)

I thought the trailer was very good and I am curious as to how they are going to take the story in new directions.
Arctic Dogs (*)
Nothing about this grabbed me.
Honey Boy (**)

I am curious about this semi-autobiographical movie about Shia LeBeouf, but it seems more like an exercise in therapy than an entertaining movie.
November 15
Ford v. Ferrari (**)

The story idea is interesting, but there is something about the way this movie is shot that is turning me off.
Charlie's Angels (*)

I didn't see the other Charlie's Angels movies because they looked bad. This, somehow, looks worse.
The Good Liar (**)

Could be an intriguing thriller, but I don't know that I will see it in the theater.
The Lodge (*)

This looks like skillfully made horror film, but not my cup of tea.
November 22
Frozen 2 (****)

I was surprised how good the original was (I had originally thought it was all hype). But they have earned my interest in the sequel.
21 Bridges (***)

An interesting premise, but I need to see a little more to get me excited.
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (****)
I hope this movie is good. I really want to like this movie and I know it has potential, as long as it doesn't try to become a commentary on current society. I hope Tom Hanks can match the spirit of Fred Rogers.
The Rhythm Section (**)
I need to see more before I decide about this. The last Blake Lively movie I saw (A Simple Favor) was terrible.
November 27
Knives Out (*)

While this has a good cast, I feel very burned by Rian Johnson and I am very wary of his ability to tell a good story without his self-satisfied defiance of expectation.
Queen & Slim (*)

This movie looks depressing as all heck.
December 6
Brahms: The Boy II (*)
Didn't see the first one, won't see this one.
The Aeronauts (*)
I need to see more before making up my mind, but these lead actors are not enough to get me into the theater.
December 12
A Hidden Life (**)

This movie looks beautiful and it has great thematic elements about relying on faith to stand up to evil. But I don't know that I am emotionally ready to see it. It looks absolutely heartbreaking.
Jumanji: The Next Level (****)

I was surprised that the first movie was enjoyable. Enjoyable, but not great. However, this movie looks to up the comedy, which I am all for.
Black Christmas (*)

No matter how many times they remake this movie, I have no desire to see this.
Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon (*)
I know people who swear by these movies, but they aren't for me.
December 20
Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker (*****)

I know there are a lot of people who are done with Star Wars because of The Last Jedi. But I have hope that JJ Abrams can turn things around with this film. The title alone has earned some good will with me.
Superintelligence (**)
Melissa McCarthy's humor has been wearing on me so I don't know if I'm up for this film. Life of the Party was awful. We'll see.
Cats (*)

The only reason I would see this would be to make fun of this movie, like The Room.
December 25
Little Women (**)

If I didn't know that this was made by Greta Gerwig I would be much more interested, but Lady Bird was awful. This also looks to be a feminist revision of the story, which it didn't need.
1917 (**)

This could be a good movie. But I can't tell if its going to be ultimately a nihilistic piece about the pointlessness of violence. World War I movies lend themselves to this.
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