
Monday, January 23, 2017

Star Wars Episode VIII Title Revealed revealed the new title for the next installment of the Star Wars Saga...


This gives me chills.  It is certainly incredibly ominous.  It reminds me of the pattern of moving from dark to light as A New Hope went to The Empire Strikes Back, now The Force Awakens goes to The Last Jedi.

It also conjures for me the line from Yoda in Return of the Jedi, "When gone am I, the last of the Jedi will you be."  I remember doing the one day 6-movie marathon and that this line carried with it a lot more weight when you see the utter decimation of the Jedi.

Is this title referring to Luke being the Last Jedi?

Or is it hinting at his ultimate fate?

Or since Jedi can be plural, does it refer to him and Rey and maybe others?

Luke Skywalker might be my favorite fictional character of all time, (probably a no-brainer given the title of my blog), so I am heavily emotionally invested in this title.


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