
Friday, May 31, 2024

Catholic Skyalker: 12-Year Anniversary


(5/31/24: Feast of the Visitation)
Once again, this milestone snuck up on me.

Over the course of 12 years I've made over 2,670 posts to this blog.  I'm sure there are many who would call this an immense waste of time.  But I have found a great sense of satisfaction from my writings here.  

I hope I have been insightful, witty, and interesting.  If I have failed in this department, I do apologize.  I do write with you, Dear Reader, in mind.  You take the time to read this blog when you could be doing anything else, so I want to honor that sacrifice of time that you make by giving you something worthwhile to read.  

Much has happened in the last 12 years.  Since beginning this blog:
-my mother and both of my remaining grandparents passed away (God rest their souls)
-my father-in-law  and mother-in-law passed away (God rest their souls)
-my wife and I weathered some rough employment situations
-I broke my back and have surgery 4 times.
-I became a godfather
-I was asked to write for NewEvangelizers.Com
-I've produced 9 more movies
-I've written, directed, and produced two plays and one musical.
-I'm just got a second Master's Degree
-I finished my first year of Diaconate Formation (I will find out later if the Church has discerned whether I should return)

This last one has taken up a good deal of my time this past year, the result of this is that I have written less here this year than in years past.  I hope to be able to find the proper balance to keep writing, if that is God's will.

And there may be new possibilities on the horizon.

All of this occurring during the tumultuous times we've lived through like COVID.

Through it all, I tried to write here regularly.  And now after ten years, I've produced:

-357 Film Reviews
-125 Essays
-273 New Evangelizers Articles
-12 Years of the Best and Worst of Movies, TV, and Comics.

Together we raised money for charity.  We've prayed together.  And hopefully we also laughed together.

Thank you again, Dear Reader, for taking this journey with me.  I pray that we will continue to walk this path of faith, film, and philosophy for many years to come.

God Bless You All!
Catholic Skywalker - 2024

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