
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

New Evangelizers Post: The Biggest Challenge of Teaching High School Theology

I have a new article up at

All teachers have their challenges, and religion teachers are no different.  But beyond the usual problems of apathy and lack of diligence there is another all-important obstacle.

Unlike most other subjects, theology classes appeal directly to the life choices of the students.  I in no way minimize the way English, Math, Science, Art, etc, can open up a student’s consciousness and awaken the talents and faculties God gave them.  But in a religion class, we appeal to them to make a choice, to make a leap of faith based on the evidence presented.  That leap of faith affects all of their decisions, both moral and practical, as well as how they perceive the world.  It is all encompassing and can be overwhelming.

We religion teachers ask much of our students.  We ask them for everything.

We do our best to remove all impediments from their encounter with Christ.  But there is something that is beyond much of our control: the culture.

You can read the whole thing here.

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