
Monday, September 21, 2015

Thoughts on Emmy's 2015

I did not get a chance to live Tweet the Emmy's this year, but to be honest my heart wasn't in it anyway.

This was one of the lowest rated Emmy's in a while.

I don't fault Andy Sandberg, who was goofy but affable most of the time.

The problem came from audiences not caring about most of these shows.

As I pointed out when the nominations came out, there is a huge disparity between what most people are watching and what is being nominated.  So for me, I didn't have much of a dog in the fight.

Mostly the night was disappointments in terms of who I wanted to win.

-Once again, Mayim Bialick was snubbed for her great work on The Big Bang Theory

-As much as I love Peter Dinklage, Jonathan Banks deserved the Emmy, hands down.

-Olive Kitteridge sounds like the most depressing and awful piece of crap that I would never want to watch.  That isn't to say that it isn't good.  But there is nothing about this story that compels me to see it despite the fact that it won so many awards.

-Amy Poehler was robbed.

-Viola Davis is a great actress who should have won an Oscar for The Help.  I'm glad she won an Emmy, but her show is awful.

-It is one thing for the creator of Transparent to celebrate her gender-fluid father.  But to then forcibly transgender the Creator by calling Him "the goddess?"  I couldn't tell if this was actual spiritual ignorance or a sophomoric attempt to get a rise out of middle America.

-The Emmys will continue to be low rated so long as they snub actual hits for things that are not.

1 comment:

  1. Awards shows are yet another chance for Hollywood to project an image and be kind to itself.
