
Sunday, July 14, 2024

Millimeters From Catastrophe

 Yesterday, we were millimeters away from one of the worst days in American history.  A would-be assassin's bullet missed a fatal shot on former President Trump by millimeters.  We know that one person in the crowd has died and others were injured.

(I hate that I have to make this disclaimer, but with everything being as politically charged as it is, I want to be clear I would be writing the same thing if President Biden was almost murdered).

It is still early and there are many details unknown, so I do not want to speculate about the shooter here.  There are wiser people than I who have made statements of faith, assurance, and insight.  I am not sure what I can contribute to the conversation, but I felt like I had to write something.

I remember being horrified when I was talking to a friend who wished death on a presidential candidate.  At first I thought he was joking, but he was serious.  I have encountered a few more instances of this in my life.  And while this is all anecdotal, I cannot tell you how much it sickens me.

Do we want to live in a country where this type of violence is expected?  How can a country live the ideals of peace and liberty when blood is their argument?

One of my fears is that in our politics, we unperson our opponents.  Politics has always been a dirty business, but do we forget that those we oppose are human beings and that we are all citizens of the same country?  I have no problem with fighting hard and being tough against those we oppose.  But all of us are made in the image and likeness of God.  

I was not alive with John or Bobby Kennedy were shot killed.  I was around for the Reagan shooting, but I don't remember it much.  I wonder if people felt the same way then as we do now?  

Like I said, I don't know how much wisdom I have to offer.  But I can offer my prayers.  

Let us pray for our country and pray for our political leaders.

Let us pray for an end to all political violence.  Let us pray for the person in the crowd who was killed.

Let us pray for peace.

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